Acquired Taste

Welcome To Acquired Taste

No gimmicks. no judgment. just food. 


Our Purpose

At Acquired Taste we believe that a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean restriction. You can enjoy the things you love while meeting your goals! The key? Education! We aim to teach the "how" and "why" of eating healthy so that your goals can be met and your "diet" can become a lifestyle. 


Our Consultants

Our nutrition consultants have extensive experience in nutrition counseling. More importantly, they're passionate about good food. And they're passionate about helping you find your version of a healthy lifestyle! 


Our MIssion

We are foodies. We work with food, not against it. 

We teach people about food so they can eat smart, not less.

We empower people to clear limitations and enable possibilities. 

We help people define healthy and reach it in their own terms. 

We feed better minds to feed better bodies.

Because food is fuel, not foe. 
