Personal Meal Plan Package

Receive some guidance on your diet with a custom meal plan

A great place to start on your health journey! This option comes with a one hour consultation to discuss your goals and preferences. Your meal plan will be individually tailored based off your consultation and will come with personalized calorie and macronutrient goals. All meal plans include an extensive grocery list to leave specific food choices up to individual. 


One Month Education package

Achieve a short term goal with additional follow up Sessions

Take your health one step further by working with our consultants during follow up sessions! This option comes with the personal meal plan package plus two 30 minute follow up sessions with consultants (bi-weekly). Our consultants help you track progress, provide unique nutrition education and modify your plan as needed to help keep you on track towards meeting your goal.



Three Month Education Package

Take Control of your health with personalized nutrition education

Commit to your health goals and receive the nutrition education you need to really change your lifestyle! This option comes with the personal meal plan package plus six 30 minute follow up sessions with nutrition consultants (bi-weekly). Our consultants will provide relevant nutrition education and continue to modify your meal plan as you meet and change goals throughout the process. 


Add on Education


Continue your journey with additional support

For individuals who have already purchased any of the education packages, but would like to take their journey just one step further!  You will receive one 60 minute session with a nutrition consultant to continue your journey. Our consultants will provide additional education, goal setting assistance or meal plan modifications. 
